OpenGLPrakt --> cObject --> cWorld
The world class. The interface to OpenGL/GLUT.
Only _one_ cWorld object may be active at once. This object _has_ to be the root of the scene graph.
public cWorld ( cEventDispatcher * disp , const char * name = NULL ) ;
default constructor w/ optional name
name | optional name of object |
public cWorld ( const cWorld & ) ;
copy constructor
public virtual ~ cWorld ( ) ;
public virtual int Init ( int * argc , char * * argv ) ;
initialize world (and OpenGL window using GLUT)
argc | passed from main |
argv | passed from main |
public virtual int Init ( int * argc , char * * argv , unsigned int glut_display_mode , int default_width = - 1 , int default_height = - 1 , int default_pos_x = - 1 , int default_pos_y = - 1 ) ;
Initialize world and OpenGL window using GLUT and providing several defaults
If you provide one of default_width or default_height you have to provide the "opposite" as well. The same rule applies to default_pos_x and default_pos_y.
argc | passed from main |
argv | passed from main |
glut_display_mod | use GLUT_xxx constants ORed together to describe the display type you need (e.g. GLUT_RGB|GLUT_DEPTH|GLUT_DOUBLE) default: GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH |
default_width | default width (-1 = don't care) |
default_height | default height (-1 = don't care) |
default_pos_x | default x position of window (-1 = don't care) |
default_pos_y | default y position of window (-1 = don't care) |
public virtual void ReshapeDisplay ( int width , int height ) ;
set new window dimensions
width | new width of window |
height | new height of window |
public virtual void Draw ( ) ;
start drawing the whole world (wrapper for Activate())
note: this is called by GLUTDisplayCB, there should be no need to call it from somewhere else!
public virtual void SceneGraphToMenu ( int menu ) ;
make scene graph visible via menu
menu | id of menu to add scene graph to |
public virtual void SetWorkingMenu ( int id ) ;
set current menu where entries are added to
id | number of menu to activate |
public virtual int GetWorkingMenu ( ) ;
get current menu where entries are added to
public virtual int AddMenuEntry ( const char * entry , const cEvent & event ) ;
add menu entry to actual menu
entry | text to show as the entry |
event | event to trigger if menu is selected |
public virtual int AddSubMenu ( const char * name ) ;
add sub menu to actual menu
name | text to show as sub menu name |
public virtual void AttachMenu ( int button ) ;
attach menu to given mouse button
public int SetCamera ( const cVertex & pos , const cVertex & lookat , const cVertex & up ) ;
set up camera
pos | camera position |
lookat | point the camera looks at |
up | the direction which is "up" from the camera's point of view |
public int MoveCameraTo ( const cVertex & pos ) ;
move camera to a give point without changing LookAt, but probably with changing UpVector
pos | position to move camera to |
public int MoveCameraBy ( const cVertex & dif ) ;
move camera by a given amount without changing LookAt
dif | amount to move camera (it is added to camera pos.) |
public void MoveCameraAndLookatBy ( const cVertex & dif ) ;
for "walk" navigation
dif | amount to move by |
public void PanCamera ( GLfloat x , GLfloat y ) ;
for "walk" navigation: look around
x_angle | angle to turn around x |
y_angle | angle to turn around y |
public void OrbitCamera ( GLfloat x , GLfloat y ) ;
for "orbit navigation": orbit around look-at
x_angle | angle to turn around x |
y_angle | angle to turn around y |
public void MoveLookAtBy ( const cVertex & dif ) ;
for "orbit navigation": move orbit center = look-at
dif | amount to move look-at |
public unsigned int GetDisplayWidth ( ) ;
query width of display
public unsigned int GetDisplayHeight ( ) ;
query height of display
public int SetPerspectiveProjection ( GLdouble fovy , GLdouble near , GLdouble far ) ;
activate pespective projection
fovy | field of view angle (degree) in y direction |
near | coordinate for near clipping plane (>0 !) |
far | coordinate for far clipping plane (>0 !) |
public int SetOrthoProjection ( GLdouble fovy , GLdouble near , GLdouble far ) ;
activate orthogonal projection
fovy | field of view angle (degree) in y direction |
near | coordinate for near clipping plane (>0 !) |
far | coordinate for far clipping plane (>0 !) |
public int ActivateMenuEntry ( int id ) ;
trigger event bound to given menu id
this is basically an internal function, but can be called from outside without any risk
id | menu entry id to activate |
public void EnableAnimation ( ) ;
start animation
public void SetAnimationSpeed ( int speed ) ;
set or change animation speed
speed | ms per frame (0 - stop animation) |
public void DisableAnimation ( ) ;
stop animation
public virtual int ReceiveEvent ( const cEvent & event ) ;
event receiver
public void Animate ( int value ) ;
broadcast animation event, re-register timer callback if animation still activated
Should not be called by user.
value | value to send around with animation event (a frame counter) |
protected virtual void Activate ( ) ;
set up for drawing
protected virtual void Deactivate ( ) ;
clean up after drawing the world
protected virtual const char * GetDefaultName ( ) const ;
return name of class (for poor RTTI and as fallback for GetName)
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