OpenGLPrakt --> math
A class for easy matrix math.
Always remember: This class might be used a lot and during time-critical operations. Thus, it's optimized for speed, which has the consequence that it cannot be derived from this class.
public cVertex ( ) ;
default constructor (initializes to zero)
public cVertex ( GLfloat vx , GLfloat vy , GLfloat vz ) ;
constructor accepting a vertex split into it's components
vx | n.x component |
vy | n.y component |
vz | n.z component |
public inline cVertex & operator *= ( const GLfloat s ) ;
operator for scaling by a given value
s | scale factor |
public inline cVertex & operator += ( const cVertex & v ) ;
operator for adding two cVertex objects
v | cVertex to add |
public inline cVertex & operator -= ( const cVertex & v ) ;
operator for subtracting two cVertex objects
v | cVertex to subtract |
public inline cVertex operator * ( const GLfloat s ) const ;
operator for multiplying any cVertex with a scalar
s | value to scale by |
public inline cVertex operator + ( const cVertex & v ) const ;
operator to add two cVertex objects
v | cVertex object to add |
public inline cVertex operator - ( const cVertex & v ) const ;
operator for subtracting two cVertex objects
v | cVertex object to substract |
public inline GLfloat operator * ( const cVertex & v ) const ;
operator to multiply two cVertex objects (dot product)
v | cVertex to calculate dot product with |
public inline GLfloat & operator [ ] ( const int idx ) ;
operator to retrieve a component of an cVertex by index
idx | index of value (0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z) |
public inline operator GLfloat * ( ) ;
converting to GLfloat *
public inline cVertex Assign ( GLfloat vx , GLfloat vy , GLfloat vz ) ;
assign a new value to all three components (it's basically superfluous)
vx | n.x component |
vy | n.y component |
vz | n.z component |
public inline cVertex & Normalize ( ) ;
normalize the vertex (make it length 1)
public inline void Translate ( GLfloat tx , GLfloat ty , GLfloat tz ) ;
convenience function: translate by given vertex
tx | n.x component |
ty | n.y component |
tz | n.z component |
public inline cVertex & Invert ( ) ;
invert direction of vector by inverting all its components
public inline cVertex CrossProd ( const cVertex & v1 , const cVertex & v2 ) const ;
calculate cross product of two given vertices
v1 | first vertex |
v2 | second vertex |
public inline cVertex CrossProd ( const cVertex & v ) const ;
calculate cross product (does not change class)
v | vector to calculate cross product with |
public inline void SetZero ( ) ;
set vertex to zero vector
public inline GLfloat GetX ( ) const ;
query current x component of vector
public inline GLfloat GetY ( ) const ;
query current y component of vector
public inline GLfloat GetZ ( ) const ;
query current z component of vector
public inline GLfloat GetLength ( ) const ;
determine length of vertex
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