OpenGLPrakt --> cObject --> cVisibleObject --> cInteractiveObject --> cLight --> cDirectionLight
A class for an OpenGL directional light. The inherited mRotation quaternion is used (in contrast to cLight) - it modifies the light's direction.
public cDirectionLight ( cEventDispatcher * disp , const char * name = NULL ) ;
default constructor
public cDirectionLight ( cEventDispatcher * disp , const cVertex & dir , const char * name = NULL ) ;
constructor with initialization of position and name
dir | initial direction of light source |
state | initial state of light source (default: on) |
name | name of light source (optional) |
public cDirectionLight ( cEventDispatcher * disp , const cVertex & dir , const teLightState state = LIGHT_ON , const char * name = NULL ) ;
constructor with initialization of position, state and name
dir | initial direction of light source |
state | initial state of light source (default: on) |
name | name of light source (optional) |
public cDirectionLight ( cEventDispatcher * disp , const cVertex & dir , const cADSEColor & col , const teLightState state = LIGHT_ON , const char * name = NULL ) ;
constructor with initialization of position, color, state and name
dir | initial direction of light source |
col | color of the light source (cADSEColor object) (emissive color component is not used) |
state | initial state of light source (default: on) |
name | name of light source (optional) |
public virtual ~ cDirectionLight ( ) ;
protected cVertex mDirection
actual direction
public virtual void SetDirection ( const cVertex & dir ) ;
set new direction to point to
dir | new direction |
protected virtual void ActivateLight ( ) ;
this one performs the actual set up of the light
(called by Activate()); separeted to simplify cDirectionLight
protected virtual void DrawThisObject ( ) ;
A light is a visible object therefore it needs a drawing function
Not used here - a DirectionLight cannot be drawn!
protected virtual const char * GetDefaultName ( ) const ;
identify an instance of this class if it's got no name
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