Machine Translation in Practice
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Tino Schwarze
This paper is also available online:
1. Introduction
1.1 A Quick Glance at History
1.2 Terminology
2. Common Misunderstandings about Language
2.1 Bloomfield's Secondary and Tertiary Responses to Language
2.2 The Chomskiyan Approach
3. Machine Translation Roentgenized
3.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of Computers in General
3.2 Well-known Problems of MT
3.3 What Computers Probably Will Never Be Able to Translate
3.4 More Linguistic Problems
4. Applications of Machine Translation
4.1 Translating Large Volumes
4.1.1 Preconditions
4.1.2 Overview
4.1.3 Introduction of MT at PAHO
4.1.4 Results
4.2 Limited Context / Highly Standardized Language
4.2.1 Preconditions
4.2.2 The Experiment
4.2.3 Implementation
4.2.4 Results
5. Conclusion
5.1 Current Situation
5.2 Perspectives
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Tino Schwarze, 2001