Package math

OpenGLPrakt --> math

This package contains classes for vector, matrix and quaternion math.

There are 5 items defined.

Class Index

Name Scope Type Brief Description
cMatrix local class A class for representing a 4x4 matrix. It supports matrix math too.
cQuaternion local class A class for representing a quaternion and its operations.
cVertex local class A class for easy matrix math.

Function Index

Name Scope Type Brief Description
operator << global function An operator to output a cMatrix object
operator << global function An operator to output a cVertex object
operator >> global function An operator to input a cMatrix object
operator >> global function an operator to input a cVertex object

Alphabetical Index

Name Scope Type Brief Description
cMatrix local class A class for representing a 4x4 matrix. It supports matrix math too.
cQuaternion local class A class for representing a quaternion and its operations.
cVertex local class A class for easy matrix math.
operator << global function An operator to output a cMatrix object
operator << global function An operator to output a cVertex object
operator >> global function An operator to input a cMatrix object
operator >> global function an operator to input a cVertex object

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