
My OpenGL practice.

 OpenGLPrakt +--> cADSEColor
             +--> cColor
             +--> cException +--> cMsgException
             +--> cObject ---+--> cMaterial -------+--> cTextureMaterial --+--> cEnvTextureMaterial
             |               |                                                  
             |               +--> cVisibleObject --+--> cInteractiveObject +--> cCube
             |               |                                             |    
             |               |                                             +--> cLight -------------+--> cDirectionLight
             |               |                                             |                        |    
             |               |                                             |                        +--> cSpotLight
             |               |                                             |                             
             |               |                                             +--> cPlane -------------+--> cHoledPlane
             |               |                                             |                             
             |               |                                             +--> cWater
             |               |                                                  
             |               +--> cWorld
             +--> common
             +--> events ----+--> cEvent ----------+--> cAddressEvent
             |               |                     |    
             |               |                     +--> cIntEvent
             |               |                     |    
             |               |                     +--> cKeyEvent
             |               |                     |    
             |               |                     +--> cMousePressEvent
             |               |                     |    
             |               |                     +--> cRotationEvent
             |               |                     |    
             |               |                     +--> cVertexEvent
             |               |                          
             |               +--> cEventConsumer --+--> cWorldControl
             |               |                          
             |               +--> cEventDispatcher
             |               |    
             |               +--> cEventProducer --+--> cEventInput
             +--> math


Packages are listed in alphabetical order.

Package Brief Description
cADSEColor class for a tupel of ambient, diffuse, specular and emissivecolor (basically just contains four cColor objects)
cColor class for RGB(A) Color
cException abstract base class for exception handling
cException.cMsgException simple exception handling (just w/ error message)
cObject base class for any object
cObject.cMaterial class for representing an OpenGL material
cObject.cMaterial.cTextureMaterial class for representing an OpenGL 2D textured material
cObject.cMaterial.cTextureMaterial.cEnvTextureMaterial class for representing an OpenGL 2D textured material which provides environment mapping
cObject.cVisibleObject base class for any visible object (like a cube, a light, etc.)
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject An object which is able to receive several (predefined) events and react appropriately.
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject.cCube cube derived from class cInteractiveObject
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject.cLight a class for managing an OpenGL light
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject.cLight.cDirectionLight a class for managing a directional OpenGL light
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject.cLight.cSpotLight a class for managing a directional OpenGL light
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject.cPlane plane derived from class cInteractiveObject
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject.cPlane.cHoledPlane plane with an hole derived from class cInteractiveObject
cObject.cVisibleObject.cInteractiveObject.cWater plane derived from class cInteractiveObject
cObject.cWorld class cWorld, providing interface to OpenGL/GLUT
common locally common definitions, macros and included headers
events Here are the packages which make up my event handling system.
events.cEvent an abstract event
events.cEvent.cAddressEvent an event for transporting an address (pointer)
events.cEvent.cIntEvent an event for transporting an int
events.cEvent.cKeyEvent an event for transporting a key stroke
events.cEvent.cMousePressEvent an event for transporting a mouse button action
events.cEvent.cRotationEvent a cNamedEvent which carries a cQuaternion
events.cEvent.cVertexEvent a cNamedEvent which carries a cVertex
events.cEventConsumer a class which consumes (receives) cEvents
events.cEventDispatcher the event dispatcher - the brain behind the event system
events.cEventProducer an abstract class which produces cEvents
events.cEventProducer.cEventInput This class provides the interface to GLUTs input callbacks.
math This package contains classes for vector, matrix and quaternion math.

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